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Ep 42: How One Connection Can Change Your Business and Your Life with Rob YB Youngblood

In this episode, Kymone Hinds interviews Robert "YB" Youngblood, a business strategist and coach emphasizing relationships' power over transactions. YB recounts his personal and professional journey, highlighting the influence of motivational speaker Eric Thomas and the challenges he overcame. He shares his experience of starting YB Connects, transitioning to a public relations firm, and evolving his coaching services. Youngblood stresses the importance of investing in oneself, giving to receive, and the distinction between transactional and transformational connections. He concludes with his mission to impact 100,000 lives and eradicate poverty through building wealth one connection at a time, inviting listeners to join his movement and offering resources through his book "Collaboration Creates Currency."

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Show Notes

00:00 Intro to Podcast

(00:02:10) The importance of relationships
Rob Youngblood emphasizes the importance of prioritizing relationships over business for long-term opportunities.

(00:04:33) Challenges and growth in college
Youngblood shares his college journey, including changing majors, facing adversity, and the impact of his experiences on his future.

(00:13:32) Overcoming personal struggles
Youngblood shares a personal and challenging experience that led him to connect with Eric Thomas and how it shaped his life.

(00:19:49) Discovering the "connector" within
Youngblood talks about how he received the name "YB" and discovered his role as a connector through divine inspiration.

(00:22:27) The YB Connect
YB's journey in leveraging long-term relationships and attracting opportunities, leading to the birth of YB Connect.

(00:24:13) Monetizing the Connector
Discussion on packaging and monetizing the role of a connector, with a focus on coaching and consulting.

(00:25:31) Charging for the Gift
YB's experience in setting prices based on the value of his services, and the impact of his coaching on clients.

(00:27:42) Building Credibility
Strategies for establishing credibility and proving the effectiveness of one's services to potential clients.

(00:30:04) Investing in Yourself
The importance of personal investment as a basis for confidently setting prices and valuing one's services.

(00:33:06) Giving Your Gift Away
The value of freely sharing one's gift and its positive impact, leading to increased visibility and profitability.

(00:35:15) Transforming Relationships
YB's approach to identifying and filling gaps for individuals, leading to transformation and income generation.

(00:40:38) Overcoming Transactional Concerns
Addressing concerns about using personal connections for business purposes and the difference between transactional and transformational interactions.

(00:42:53) Understanding Rejection
Insights into the reasons behind rejection and the role of personal belief and clarity in sales interactions.

(00:46:25) Collaboration Creates Currency
YB's movement’s goal is to impact 100,000 lives, eradicate mental and relational poverty, and build wealth through connections.

(00:46:56) Inspiration from Adversity
Discussion on overcoming challenges and building success through new thought processes and connections.

(00:47:54) Creating a Movement
Exploring the concept of movement tied to a cause, impacting lives, and strategies for amplifying visibility.

(00:49:23) Connecting with the Movement
Ways to connect and support the movement, including through LinkedIn, the book, and various platforms.

(00:50:46) The Book as Collaboration
Highlighting the collaborative nature of the book as a testimony and template for the principles discussed.

(00:51:20) Advice for Starting Out
Encouragement to discover and give away one's gift, with a focus on faith over fear.

(00:53:43) Closing Thoughts
Emphasizing the power of connections and making an impact, leading into the podcast's conclusion.


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