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Ep 17: Unleashing the 116 Movement: BJ Thompson's journey of impact and faith

BJ is a life coach, speaker, and author (Awaken A Better You) who helped launch one of the largest faith movements in recent history – the “116 Movement” with Grammy award-winning artist Lecrae. He also worked to expand groundbreaking racial reconciliation work with schools, prisons, juvenile facilities, churches, & non-profits. BJ has worked with tens of thousands of individuals and couples all over the world helping them experience personal, professional, and relational growth. Currently, BJ serves as the executive director for Build a Better Us.

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Show Notes

00:00 Intro to Podcast

[00:04:53] The Genesis of 116 BJ Thompson shares the early beginnings of the 116 movement, starting from his upbringing around hip hop and his journey of faith.

[00:07:15] From Serving 40 Kids to Impacting Millions BJ Thompson talks about how their ministry went from serving 40 kids to influencing millions of people worldwide, emphasizing the importance of serving faithfully.

[00:09:15] The Need for Resources in Ministry BJ Thompson discusses the realization of needing resources to continue their ministry and the transition from relying on donations to creating and selling curriculum to fund their work.

[00:11:32] The Genesis of Relationships in College Discussion on how relationships formed in college and the impact of choosing faith as the center of life.

[00:12:22] Moving to Memphis and Finding Community Exploration of the decision to move to Memphis and the importance of finding mentors and elders in a new city.

[00:17:55] Discovering the Gift of Growth and Development BJ Thompson's realization of his unique gift for growth and development, leading to the formation of Build a Better Us.

[00:22:21] The moment I bet on myself BJ Thompson talks about fully betting on himself and the need to have a product to sell in the market.

[00:23:39] Discovering his value proposition Thompson discusses how he realized he was a life expert and how that became his value proposition in the marketplace.

[00:27:24] Investing in oneself Thompson emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself and seeking coaching and mentoring to achieve success.

[00:35:07] Courage to Ask for Help Overcoming fear and pride to seek assistance and delegate tasks to others who are skilled in areas where you are not.

[00:36:12] Investing in Yourself The importance of investing in your own growth and development, including hiring consultants and delegating tasks to experts.

[00:37:44] Advice for the Past Reflecting on the past and offering advice to the speaker's past self, including the need for a plan, trusting others, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.


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