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Ep 14: From Pews to Profits with Mike Conn

In this episode of the "Monetize Your Ministry" podcast, we discuss the importance of monetizing ministry and making a positive impact in the community. Mike shares his experiences in church ministry, working with schools and businesses, and his mission to help people feel seen and valued. They discuss the need to niche down and not try to reach everyone, the importance of taking ministry outside of church walls, and the power of empathy and communication. Mike also shares personal stories and strategies for monetizing ministry and making a difference in people's lives. The episode ends with a call to action for listeners to engage with the podcast and share it with others.

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Show Notes

00:00 The importance of niching down We discuss the importance of niching down in ministry to be successful and not trying to catch everyone.

[00:04:23] Helping people feel seen and valued Mike Conn talks about his mission to help people feel seen and valued, both in schools and in the workplace.

[00:07:35] Expanding from schools to businesses Mike shares how he expanded his work from schools to businesses, starting with a request from a business owner to speak to their customer service team.

[00:09:16] The shift in ministry perspective Mike discusses his shift from traditional church ministry to a broader definition of ministry that extends beyond the church walls.

[00:10:12] Jesus' examples of valuing and seeing people Mike shares three biblical stories of Jesus interacting with individuals and emphasizes the importance of helping people feel seen and valued.

[00:13:13] Taking ministry outside of the church Kymone and Mike discuss the need to take ministry into the marketplace, specifically in schools and businesses, to make a difference in the community.

[00:19:23] Timestamp 1 "Finding a Clear Lane and Helping Kids Feel Seen and Valued" Mike talks about his realization of the need to do something different to help kids feel seen and valued, and his experience with a secret handshake.

[00:20:20] Timestamp 2 "The Power of Acknowledgment and Making People Feel Seen" Mike shares his practice of acknowledging people and the impact it has on them, including a touching encounter at Walmart.

[00:23:13] Timestamp 3 "Extending the Mission to Everyday Life and Business Strategy" Kymone and Mike discuss the importance of helping people feel seen in everyday life, and Mike explains his business strategy of being for others and serving the community.

[00:28:15] The importance of serving in the marketplace Discussion on how serving others in the marketplace is similar to serving in the church, and the challenges faced in both contexts.

[00:31:11] The viability of the strategy as a sales and marketing strategy Questioning whether the strategy of serving others and leading with value is effective in generating business and keeping a ministry monetized.

[00:35:02] The importance of helping people feel seen and valued Exploring the significance of recognition and making individuals feel valued in the workplace, and the impact it has on employee engagement.

[00:37:29] The problem of finding one's purpose Mike discusses how he went through a process to determine the problem he wanted to solve and his specific purpose in life.

[00:40:45] The struggle of discussing money Mike talks about the challenge of bringing up money in his work and how it became more difficult when he added team members.

[00:43:45] Providing solutions and setting expectations Mike shares his approach to the money conversation, including offering solutions and setting clear expectations with a price quote and speaker agreement.

[00:46:57] Monetize Your Ministry Podcast Promoting the podcast and encouraging listeners to share it with others to increase income and impact.

[00:46:57] Finding the Podcast Providing information on where to find the podcast, including YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

[00:46:57] Increasing Income and Impact Encouraging listeners to monetize their ministry and make a difference in the community.


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