Ep 10: Making Money Moves with Pierre Quinn
This "Monetize Your Ministry" podcast episode features Pierre Quinn, who has successfully monetized his ministry. The discussion revolves around defining ministry, continuous learning and growth, and monetizing one's ministry. Pierre shares his journey of writing a book and launching it on a budget, expanding his business to include executive coaching and leadership development, and the importance of being true to oneself and following God's calling. The episode provides inspiration and practical tips for those who want to monetize their ministry and increase their income and impact.
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Follow Kymone on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kymonehinds
Follow Pierre Quinn on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierrequinn
Visit our website: http://monetizeyourministrypodcast.com/
Visit Pierre Quinn's website: https://pierrecquinn.com/
[00:00:00] Monetizing Your Ministry The episode is about how to monetize one's ministry and gain recognition in the public space.
[00:02:18] Defining Ministry The guest, Pierre Quinn, shares his definition of ministry as the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has allowed him to accumulate to make a difference in the lives of the people around him.
[00:06:41] Transitioning to Pastoral Ministry Pierre Quinn talks about his transition from studying communication to studying in the theological seminary and eventually becoming a pastor, including his experience of leading three congregations and writing a book on being a young leader.
[00:09:51] Documenting the Journey Pierre Quinn shares how he started documenting his experiences and turned them into a book, "Leading While Green," which focuses on emerging leaders and their journey to becoming effective leaders.
[00:10:50] Borrowing Other People's Expertise We highlight the importance of borrowing other people's expertise and not capping one's knowledge, as Pierre Quinn did when he was writing his book.
[00:12:16] Monetizing Ministry and Pimping the Gospel Pierre Quinn discusses his strategy for monetizing his ministry without making his congregation feel pressured to buy his book. He also talks about the concept of "pimping the gospel" and how it relates to televangelists and their lavish lifestyles.
[00:19:33] Launching Leading While Green Pierre Quinn talks about how he launched his book, Leading While Green, on a budget of $200 and pre-sold it to cover the final production costs.
[00:21:40] The Leading While Green Conference Pierre Quinn talks about how he launched the Leading While Green conference and how it was successful due to the goodwill and support he had built up in the community.
[00:29:33] Being Invited to Speak at a National Conference Pierre Quinn talks about how he was invited to speak at a national conference after only being a pastor for three months and how it was due to the Holy Spirit telling someone to invite him.
[00:30:56] Discovering Your Ministry Pierre Quinn talks about how to define ministry and how to find opportunities by being receptive to the nudge.
[00:35:39] Leaving Congregational Ministry Pierre Quinn talks about his decision to leave the congregational ministry and the scrutiny that comes with it.
[00:40:13] The Cardell Group Pierre Quinn talks about his business, The Cardell Group, which is built on three pillars: keynote speaking, executive and leadership coaching, and custom leadership development programs.
[00:41:57] Pierre's Vegas Experience Pierre shares his experience of doing a keynote in Vegas and being recognized by a lady on the street.
[00:44:03] Ministering to the Marketplace Pierre talks about his role as a leadership chaplain and how he ministers to people in the marketplace.
[00:46:45] Tips for Monetizing Ministry through Speaking Pierre gives tips on how to monetize ministry through speaking, including finding a key message, audience, and time in their lives.