Ep 8: Why Ministry Work Shouldn't Be a Free Buffet
In this podcast episode, we discuss the topic of pricing and charging for ministry work. We acknowledge the internal struggle that many people have when it comes to charging for their services, which may stem from a misapplication of the passage "the love of money is the root of all evil." Kim Bulgin shares a liberating email she received that reminds us that money is a moral tool that can create stability, security, philanthropy, and generational change.
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[00:00:00] Money and Ministry
We introduce the topic of pricing and charging for ministry work, discussing the morality and practicality of putting a price tag on ministry work.
[00:08:42] Internal Struggles with Pricing
We discuss the internal struggles and resistance that many people feel when it comes to pricing their ministry work, including the misapplication of biblical teachings about money and the fear of losing oneself in pursuit of money.
[00:10:49] Money as a Tool
Money is a tool that can further ministry and be used for good. The false humility of not valuing one's skills and charging for ministry work is discussed.
[00:12:29] Being Paid for Ministry Work
Stewardship and valuing one's skills are discussed in the context of being paid for ministry work. The idea of charging for speaking or preaching is explored.
[00:18:47] Pricing for Transformation
Pricing for the transformation and outcome of a service is discussed. The importance of packaging services and helping people understand the tangible results of services is explored.
[00:20:45] Limiting Beliefs
Discussion on how limiting beliefs can affect pricing and charging for ministry work.
[00:26:59] Objections to Pricing
Exploring fears and objections to charging for ministry work, including fear of failure, pricing people out, and being judged.
[00:29:09] The Benefits of Charging
Explaining how charging for ministry work can actually benefit both the provider and the recipient, including increased accountability and better results.
[00:30:10] The Weight of Responsibility
Kim discusses the accountability and responsibility that comes with charging a monthly fee for her ministry work, and how it puts a positive weight on what she does.
[00:33:19] Growing in Focus and Resources
Kim talks about how monetizing her ministry has forced her to be more intentional and honed in on her audience, leading to a sharper message and focus in her work.
[00:38:29] Kim and the host discuss the fear of becoming a greedy money monster when charging for ministry work, and how charging what you feel is necessary to live and survive is important for taking care of your family for generations.
[00:39:37] Encouragement to raise rates
Tips on how to encourage oneself to raise rates, including practicing and reminding oneself of past successes.
[00:41:38] Viewing colleagues as allies
The importance of viewing colleagues as allies rather than competition, and using their rates as inspiration to raise one's own.
[00:43:50] Promoting the House of Women
Kim Bulgin promotes the House of Women, a faith-based organization that helps women overcome religious and sexual trauma.