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Ep 7: From Pain to Purpose: How Reggie George Turned Tragedy into a Ministry

Our episode today features guest Reggie George, who shares his personal story of turning personal pain into a successful ministry. Reggie recounts the traumatic experience of his daughter being stabbed in the head, which led him to create the Father Figure brand, promoting the importance of fatherhood and being a positive male role model.

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Show Notes

00:00 Intro to Podcast

[00:03:58] How to define ministry
Reggie George shares his definition of ministry, which goes beyond the pulpit and encompasses using one's gifts to serve others.

[00:05:16] Reggie's background and career pursuits
Reggie George talks about his background as a former football player turned entrepreneur, owning several barbershops and salons for over 20 years.

[00:07:17] Reggie's personal story of pain and ministry
Reggie George shares the traumatic event of his daughter being stabbed in the head at school, and how it changed his trajectory in life and ministry.

[00:09:21] Emergency Brain Surgery
Reggie George shares the traumatic experience of his daughter undergoing emergency brain surgery after being stabbed in the head at school.

[00:11:24] Legal Proceedings and Father Figure
Reggie George talks about attending juvenile hearings and realizing the lack of male representation in the courtroom. He also discusses how the Father Figure brand started as a way to express his feelings as a father and father figure.

[00:17:03] Support from Reggie's Father
Reggie George shares how his father provided him with encouragement and affirmation during his daughter's hospitalization and legal proceedings.

[00:20:48] Ministry through adversity
Reggie George talks about how adversity can introduce us to our ministry and how his personal story of his daughter's stabbing led him to his ministry of encouraging fathers and father figures.

[00:23:31] Monetizing your ministry
Reggie George shares his experience of monetizing his message through merch and encourages others to lay aside guilt and procrastination and put the business behind the message.

[00:29:48] Starting your ministry
Reggie George and Kim Owen Hines encourage listeners to start their ministry and take the first step, even if it's not perfect, and to not worry about step 200 before taking step 1.

[00:32:11] Reggie's daughter's restoration
Reggie shares the miraculous restoration of his daughter, who went through two major brain surgeries, a massive stroke, and was wheelchair-bound. He talks about how God used this experience to shape his ministry.

[00:37:52] Long-term goals for Father Figure
Reggie talks about his long-term goals for Father Figure, including getting more into the mentorship space, doing annual conferences, and turning the movement into a global message.

[00:38:41] Promoting Father Figure
Reggie shares where people can find Father Figure apparel and how they can support the movement.


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