**Speaker 0** (00:00:01) - Is monetizing your ministry, pimping the gospel. That's one of the questions I hear in this first episode. We're gonna go there. Welcome to the Monetize Your Ministry podcast.
**Speaker 1** (00:00:12) - Welcome to the Monetize Your Ministry podcast.
**Speaker 2** (00:00:16) - And you get a chance to interact with them to meet that's full-time ministry. You
**Speaker 3** (00:00:21) - Get to serve him. You can be a tenant, you gonna
**Speaker 4** (00:00:24) - Be paying somebody's brother.
**Speaker 5** (00:00:26) - If you do not niche down, you will never be successful. You're so busy just trying to catch everyone and never reach in the right one. Yeah.
**Speaker 3** (00:00:34) - The
**Speaker 6** (00:00:35) - Bottom line is, the truth of the matter is we're not going die happy because time, diabetes bring. And then
**Speaker 4** (00:00:43) - I wanna provide content and things that gonna help change lives. And I simultaneously want you to receive a blessing from
**Speaker 3** (00:00:51) - That.
**Speaker 2** (00:00:52) - Embrace their calling. I believe God's blessing that stuff. God
**Speaker 3** (00:00:57) - Blessing that.
**Speaker 1** (00:00:58) - Now, here's your host, Kymone.
**Speaker 0** (00:01:07) - All right, we're here episode one. First podcast episode. Welcome to this podcast, the first live, um, edition. And if you're on, do me a favor and just say something in the comments so that, uh, we can recognize you. I'm so glad that I'm doing this. Um, it's been a long time coming and I'm not gonna do this by myself. So I'm gonna bring along my co-host with me today. One of my boys, Austin Humphreys, is gonna join us. What's Austin? Austin,
**Speaker 7** (00:01:36) - What up? Listen, we finally here, man. The podcast is live, man. What's up? How you
**Speaker 0** (00:01:42) - Feel? Dude, I, I feel, first of all, a little bit relieved, right? You and I been talking about this, and so lemme just give y'all a little bit of background. I, I couldn't find anyone better to be on today than Austin, because Austin, you've been with me in this journey of getting this podcast off the ground. The graphics, uh, the video package that's Austin's work you see there. So y'all clap it up in the comments for him, him. Thank
**Speaker 7** (00:02:04) - You. Appreciate
**Speaker 0** (00:02:04) - You. Yeah. And I wanna give a shout out the voice that you hear on the intro, and you'll hear on the outro Isles Collins. Um, he is one of my dear friend's son, and I wanna make sure I give him a shout out. And if you're looking for voiceover work, please, that's it. Up. Hit him up. But Austin, man, we talked about this for a while.
**Speaker 7** (00:02:21) - Yeah.
**Speaker 0** (00:02:22) - Stop and start, stop and start all the stopping and starting was on my part. my part. Cause you did your part and it's so crazy, uh, the stuff I talk about, encouraging people to take action and to do stuff. Yeah. And it's weird. We actually were supposed to do this last week and kind of stopped again. But it's crazy. I put out a video that talked about just start. Just try something. Do something. Yeah. And dude, I ended up preaching myself into actually getting this podcast going. So here
**Speaker 7** (00:02:50) - We're right and, and we're here. And it's kind of funny cuz you know, you know, I've worked with you on several projects. We've done stuff, we've been on podcasts together. And when it comes to starting your own, you know, it's, it's, it's that starting go. And let's, let's be clear, it's not like you weren't doing anything at all either, right? Sure,
**Speaker 0** (00:03:04) - That's
**Speaker 7** (00:03:04) - True. You, you were very business with all of your different hustle movements and points that you've been doing. But, you know, for those who are watching and shout to those who are in the comments section you're watching live, of course we, we want you to subscribe and check out the podcast. Uh, if you're, if you're listening to us. But yo, I just gotta know, like, like how do we get here? What's, you know, tell me about this podcast. What, who's it for? Like, what, like, like for someone's listening, what am I, what am I getting from this?
**Speaker 0** (00:03:27) - That's, that's a good question. So this podcast, I'll tell you how we got here. Um, I was actually in a process of being coached myself to figure out who am I like targeting? Who is my work for? What is my right, what is my work all about? And I'll tell you the, I'll, I'll just give you all some truth. I actually started to think, okay, I'm business coaching people. Uh, my ministry is a past, my, my background is I was a pastor. And so I started to look at my, what I did is my past work as a negative man. Like, you know, who's gonna listen to a business coach who was a pastor, right? And it's, it is interesting that what you think is your negative becomes your positive, right? So the fact that I was a pastor, there's some people who I can relate to who are in ministry and full-time, right?
**Speaker 0** (00:04:13) - Yeah. And have something and don't know what to do with it. And so I was like, yeah, I'm for those people. Cause when I look at all the people I worked with, a lot of them, that's their background. But then I also have this burden that we don't confine ministry to just the professionals, the people who are paid to do it. That every person, every person who's watching this and listening to this, you are a minister. Like God has given you something to serve others. And I wanted this podcast to be something to help you to embrace that calling that you're a minister, that you have a ministry, and that ministry has a place in the world to make impact and income. So that's why this podcast is here and who it's for.
**Speaker 7** (00:04:53) - Yeah. You know, and I, I think that's good because we know that the world has shifted a lot. You know, we're here because of just, you know, we know the, the, the, the effects that, uh, COVID 19 had on ministry had on content creators. So that's what we are now, right? We're content creators. You know, I didn't even really know that term until, you know, we got into that space. And so, you know, let's talk a little bit about that. I'm a content creator. I'm watching, this is why I'm here. I'm on the podcast. But you know, we have this like you just mentioned in the intro, kind of the start, go, start, go. What are some of the things that kind of, you know, have us kind of in that start stop type of mentality? And how do we get over that hump?
**Speaker 0** (00:05:32) - You know, that's a, um, I think a a lot of us are wrestling with. Um, if you're in the, if you hear watching this live and you've wrestled with that start and stop, stop and go, just put a yes in the compass. Let me know. I'm not by myself. Let us know. At least at least two other people can relate to that. And, and by the way, also share, please make sure you share this. So at least from me, here is some of the things Austin, that stopped me, right? Like got me in that start and start and stop. I started looking at other people and what they were doing and how far they were ahead of me and how good your stuff was. Yeah. And how many people were following them. And, and I wanted to one, get the quality and everything they had maybe at episode 100 before I started episode one, right? Mm-hmm. and looking for, I, I almost was comparing myself to someone in their reaping season when I'm in my planting season, right. In my soul. Yeah. And I think that's what a lot of us, we end up looking at other people's stuff and we're comparing ourselves and we're thinking to ourselves, well I'm not as good as them, so I'll wait till I get as good as them to get started. Not knowing Right. That to start so that you can improve on what you have. So,
**Speaker 7** (00:06:46) - And, and it's kind of crazy cuz don't we see, we see everybody's vlogs and we see their setup, we see their background. And listen, I, you know, I'll confess, man, we first started, you know, you know, getting on podcasts, going on livestream, doing stuff, man, I just had a white wall behind me. And I was like, yo, I was, I was happy with it. Like, as soon as I saw somebody else who had that top tier, I'm like, man, I, that's that imposter syndrome. I'm like, man, let me, let me try to, you know, get everything all, all at once. And it kind of creates stress. It kind of takes away really also from the reason for why you're doing certain things. Of course, you always want your lighting. We always hear, want the sound to be good. But we, we wanted so much more.
**Speaker 7** (00:07:24) - So, you know, for those of us who are kind of, and those in the chat, let us know if, if, if you've experienced this before that I know with me, when I was first starting, uh, some projects and doing some things, it took me a while to just get off the ground. Not only because of I didn't have what everybody else had, but I started to second guess the content. Yeah. And second guess, you know what I'm saying? And, and so Yeah. Have you, have you, have you seen people with it? Have you worked with people that have had that issue?
**Speaker 0** (00:07:47) - Yeah. I think we all get second guess our stuff. Yeah. You know, we, we, once it's with us, right? We, we kind of have this, I don't know if this is valuable. I don't know if people will resonate with this. I don't know if anyone cares about this stuff. Right? Once we are holding onto it, we start to like poke holes in our own stuff. Cause you, you're so close to it that you don't see the value of it. The power of it, the beauty of it. Right? You're so close to it that all you can see are is flaws. Cause you're that close to it. Yeah. So I don't really have it all together. I don't really have the website. This I don't have that. I don't have, you can only see what you don't have. But what's crazy is that as soon as you begin taking those first baby steps to say, here's what I have, here's my message. Right? And, um, bad lighting, no camera, no mic, whatever. You know, like, I'm just gonna put it out there. There's somebody who will overlook all of that stuff. And the message and the essence of what you have is exactly what they go. That's what I've been looking for.
**Speaker 7** (00:08:47) - Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I think that that is, is critical to my next point, because we talk about, my next question really, we really talk a lot about, um, you know, we got all these ideas. And that was another issue too. I got all of these ideas, you know, I'm a minister and so I'm used to having to pull ideas and have vision casting and get all this stuff together when I wanna, when I wanna monetize my content, monetize my ministry. Um, you know, how do I kind of focus just on hon on that one idea? How do I kind of get to a place where I'm focusing on that one idea? Because I mean, to be honest, I, I gotta be great at one thing, at least in my mind before I become great at all these other things to put out. What what's your thoughts on that? Let
**Speaker 0** (00:09:30) - Me ask you a question though. So I, because I know a little bit about the work you do. Yeah. Um, you do video, um, and, and I mean, just tell people about what you do. So I don't, yes.
**Speaker 7** (00:09:39) - My, my business right now productions, um, uh, my, myself, my partner Kaia Scott, we, uh, have a, a, uh, a business where we do remote production mm-hmm. . And so we, we do a lot of what you see here on screen, the graphics intro, outro, voiceovers, uh, we put on, uh, different, um, virtual conferences. And so whatever you wanna do, you wanna start a podcast. If you wanna start a live show, uh, we we're your guys for that. And so we have, we have a team of designers that help us out. So, but when I first started though, we were trying to do, we were trying to be in a lot of different Yeah. Different lanes. And we realized, you know what, let's just kind of focus on this like remote production piece instead of all the other things we were trying to do. We were talking about teaching training. We were trying to figure out ways that we could, uh, get more people involved in it. How could we show them what we do? It was just, it was just too much podcasting at the same time. It was a lot,
**Speaker 0** (00:10:30) - Dude. You know, I've had a, um, a, a a different thought now since and recently, right. And what you just said perfectly aligns with it. Like, we want to know what's the thing we should focus on before we get started, before we get started. And I'm almost at the point of telling people, man, just start and in what you need to focus on. We'll, we'll, we'll tap you on the shoulder and you'll figure it out that way. Because you could not have started and thought to yourself, okay, I'm gonna start a remote production company. Right? That's what I'm gonna, you, you were, you were just trying stuff, testing stuff, doing the next thing that was in front of you and eventually, right? Like seriously, before the pandemic, you didn't know there was a thing called remote production,
**Speaker 7** (00:11:16) - Right?
**Speaker 0** (00:11:16) - No. Like, I'm just ask you like, when you were in college or in school, did you know of a thing? So it's not like you started off doing that. You started off, here's the point, right? You started off, how can I serve people? How can I serve
**Speaker 7** (00:11:29) - People? Right. Right. Right. Right, right, right. How can
**Speaker 0** (00:11:31) - I use what I have? Right. How can I do the next thing in front of me? That's my next opportunity to help people. And as you kept doing that, it's some things that you tried that I'm sure didn't work. There's some things that you said like, we were trying to do this and it didn't work, but Right. What was resolute about you, and I think this is what this podcast really wanna encourage you, is if you are listening to this, there is something that you are passionate about in terms of serving people. And if you pursue that thing, the clarity comes through movement. Not while you're just sitting down, the clarity comes as you're doing
**Speaker 7** (00:12:05) - Anything. Right. Right. Yeah. The clarity comes through movement. So, you know, and, and for those, again, who are who, who are, who are on watching us live, make sure you follow, subscribe, uh, to the, to the Facebook page. Hit us up on Instagram, monetize Your ministry podcast. Um, Kymone man, I, it's kind of, you know, let's, let's, let's deal with the elephant in the room now, right? Yeah. Um, this is ministry, you know? Yeah. And, and we've heard, and we've seen the term, you know, our, uh, for, especially for people who, and I'm looking at the chat here, but for people who are really like, just wanting to dive into this thing, you know, but, but, but are we pimping the gospel? ? Are we monetize? Am I pimping the gospel? You see those screen here on? But anybody wants to comment in the chat about that? But, but when you look at that, when you see that, you know, when someone says, man, this, you know, and you've seen curve lines, right? Uh, uh, the gospel is free. Yeah. Right? But what ministry costs? But, but this is me, this is my ministry that I'm doing personally. Mm-hmm. , you know, how do I balance the two? What do what, what, what, what do you say to that?
**Speaker 0** (00:13:06) - Great question. And that's the, um, question I think people are asking, right? That's one of the, let's just be honest. That's one of the things that some of us used to talk ourselves out of taking action. Yeah.
**Speaker 0** (00:13:16) - Man, I, I don't want to be, I don't want to be looked at as someone who is all about money. I don't want to be looked at as someone who is trying to get over on people and pimping, uh, my service. And I get that. I, I think that's, uh, the fact that you have that thought in your mind, right? It's an I means you're a noble person. You're not someone that you're out, there're hustling. Mm-hmm. . But I also think if we are clear what ministry is, then we understand that to monetize it is, there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, it's very noble to do that. Right? So ministry how you serve others, right? Ministry is how you serve others. And I, I would argue that your ministry is how you serve others best. So all of us, I can serve people in some ways that are not my, my best strength, right? They're not, this is not how I do things best, but the way I serve them best is I'm a teacher and I'm an encourager. That's how I serve others best. Now, if I want to do more of that, there's always gonna be a cap if I'm not being paid for it, because I have to do something else,
**Speaker 7** (00:14:21) - Right. To
**Speaker 0** (00:14:22) - Get paid. Right? That's the reality of life, right? If I'm not being paid to do the thing that helps me to serve others best, I'll have a cap on the amount of time I can give to it, the amount of energy I can give to it, the amount of attention, and just the amount of investment in being better at that thing because I have to go do something else. And that something else may not be what I'm best at serving others with, right? And so, unless I find a way to be paid for the thing I used to serve others best, I'll never be able to help as many people as I can. Yes. I think that's a, that's just a think about that, that, that's just a, a eye-opener for me when I realize, right? Unless I'm able to be paid for this, I, I can only help a few people for free. I can help a limited number of people for free. But if I'm being able to be paid for it, I can help more people. Cuz I can give more of my time, more of my right.
**Speaker 7** (00:15:17) - More my efforts,
**Speaker 0** (00:15:17) - Invest myself into learning to be better. So that's that, that's the first part of that. That's the first part. The second part is I think we want to help people. We don't want to simply enable people, right? We don't want to, we want to help people in the way that they can experience the greatest transformation.
**Speaker 7** (00:15:37) - That's right.
**Speaker 0** (00:15:38) - So Austin, if I want you to experience the greatest transformation in terms of relationships, in terms of whatever, one of the ways we know that people experience transformation best is when they pay for something. When they're invested in it. Right? So if I am not allowing That's right. You to make an investment in something, I am not allowing you to get the greatest impact on yourself for the thing I'm offering you. Like That's right. I'm just throwing it out there. You are not really locked in, honed in giving your best to it. And at the end of it you go, well, you know, that was cool, but I didn't really get anything from it. But if I really want to serve you the most, I ask, I I give you a chance to invest. Um, you know, there's a text that says what? I won't offer any sacrifice that costs me nothing. Like there's this differe world. I have to make an investment so that I'm, I'm, I'm locked in on what I'm doing.
**Speaker 7** (00:16:31) - Right, right, right. Yeah. I think that, um, and I wanna go to the chat here too. Cause I, I don't wanna miss, uh, Anderson, this, oftentimes we taught ministry with poverty. Mm-hmm. I mean, and that's so true. Yeah. Uh, uh, uh, I mean, and what do, what do you say to that when people, you know, because we, we do see that cuz you know, we see people, you know, always want the hookup on certain things and we, you know, but, but really it's our time. Yeah. And you know, and I know I, when I started my business, I realized I had to, I had to change what I was doing. I had to realize that, look, I'm putting in my time is my efforts. That's right. Um, to build a brand, uh, and give you a quality that does cost.
**Speaker 0** (00:17:06) - That's right. You know, you said it that, that word time, right? No, to, to Anderson's question, I mean, touch his and then go to this thing about time. But I, I don't think impact and income need to be separated, right? Mm-hmm. I don't have to sacrifice income in order to make impact. In fact, one of the ways, as I, I explained earlier that I increase my impact is through increasing my income so that I can give more to that thing. And then there, if there are times that I want to give away service for free, that's my, that's my choice. That's, that's something that I make the decision to do that. And I'm not against doing that. So for anyone who's out there watching, don't feel, I'm saying never give away any service for free. No, but you shouldn't give away all your service for free.
**Speaker 0** (00:17:54) - Right? You shouldn't give away all your ideas for free. You shouldn't give away all your skills for free. You shouldn't do that. Like, you have to be paid for this thing so that you can do more of it. But in the last said, their time like Austin, I had to, so what people don't know is, um, this weekend I surprised you. I was in your area, I was somewhere else, but I stopped by your, uh, your church as you lead. And I saw you first time I ever saw your beautiful baby girl and your wife. That's first time I, and I'm like, man, this this girl, I just seen her at that age knowing that she's going to be going off to college in a few years just like my kids, right? Like, that's time. That, that time goes so fast. So any time that you take now investing in serving others there, it comes at a cost.
**Speaker 0** (00:18:42) - It comes at a cost for things that you may want to do. It comes at a cost for time. You wanna spend with your wife and your daughter, your family. It comes in the car for anyone else. There is, there is no, no value in giving all that you have to others without any compensation and then giving the least to the people who mean the most to you. There is no virtue in that. There's no virtue because I've given everything I have for free. That's true. I have to now go work extra. And now the people who, who need me the most, they get the least of me.
**Speaker 7** (00:19:15) - They get the least look at, look at the comment here, Darryl Palms. And hey, listen, Palm, he's another prime example. He's doing incredible. He has an incredible business, uh, where he is sharing his recipes and he's sharing, uh, uh, the, the juicing. He's got over 600,000 K followers. They're gonna check him out. But listen, he says, we can simultaneously engage in both ministry and industry. That's what I mean, that's what you're talking about tonight. Listen, we can engage, you can still be successful as a minister in your field working and then still have your, have your ministry in what you do impact the industry, uh, at large. So I, I, you know, I think we see, we got folk who are who in the chat, who are really commenting. And I, and I I think for me, um, you know, I want, I wanna really talk about just, you know, your impact and what, what, you know, you, you both, you doing, you know, I, I I, I know you personally as well, you know, we know each other for a long time and how you really, and your story of course, incredible. I know you wanna gonna get into with the podcast, but really quickly talk about the impact it's had now when you made the decision to turn and monetize your ministry. Yeah. And, and what has been some of the results of that? What have you seen? What's, what's the impact as a content creator now, right? Yeah. What have you seen? What have you seen?
**Speaker 0** (00:20:27) - Yeah. You know, Austin, this again, like we said with you, I didn't start off looking to do this. Yeah. I actually was in Memphis and I've started this podcast called the my first podcast, the Ideas Life podcast I wanted to interview That's right. Ask them about what they were doing with the different,
**Speaker 7** (00:20:43) - And that's the o aa, that's the OG podcast, by the way. Yeah, that's
**Speaker 0** (00:20:45) - Right. You
**Speaker 7** (00:20:46) - One of the first podcasters in the whole, I mean, for our group man, right? I mean, that's crazy. I forgot about that.
**Speaker 0** (00:20:52) - Yeah. I was like, I was doing it. And then I realized, one, I one I was good at asking people questions. I did not know that this, in fact, you was a guy who was a, an editor of a magazine. And I, I was interviewing him and afterwards he was like, are you pretty good at asking questions? I was like, I guess I am now. I would not have known that if I didn't start it. So I started that, and then I started getting people who were asking me questions based on like, guess expertise by association. That's this term. I came over because I was interviewing these other people who were doing things. They were asking me, can you gimme advice on how to do stuff? So I started doing that, and then it built into something where I started being paid for it. And the same skill.
**Speaker 0** (00:21:30) - Here's, here's, here's a, a principle, the same skills I was using in church, helping people with the same skills I I'm using to help people in the marketplace, in business, in starting a business, in growing their business. It's the same skills, listening, clarifying, um, um, organizing, planning. All of those skills were the same skills. I recognize here. Here's what I recognize, Austin, what I was doing in church had value in the marketplace. Yeah. That's what I recognize. And I think what I'm also recognizing for people on here, I don't care if you're a, a full-time pastor, everyone's a minister, whatever you're using to serve others in the capacity of inside of your congregation, your church body has value outside the world. I just wanna say that. And so what I recognized is, as I started taking steps, there were people yes. Who were coming and being paid to, to, to get coaching.
**Speaker 0** (00:22:28) - But to me, what has been most just encouraging is the people who saw me doing something and said, I don't want to, I wanna do something myself. I, I've been sitting on this idea. I've been sitting on something and you taking action has given me some courage to try something. Right? And then people, as they took action, there were other people who saw them and said, well, if you're doing it, let me take action. Let me be inspired to do something. And I think that's for all of us. We don't really know the ripple effects of you starting the thing you have, pushing past all of the negative stuff in your head. Is this pimping the gospel? Because really the questions, those questions never come from people who are doing thi something. Those questions usually come from people who are sitting on the sidelines complaining about what the people who are doing something are doing. That's do, that's usually comes from it. But if you push past that, you are gonna inspire someone way beyond what you can imagine to get started with your thing.
**Speaker 7** (00:23:22) - Kymone, I wrote down, since I'm taking notes here, cuz you, I mean you were already sharing so much knowledge on the first episode of, of this podcast, but, um, one of the things that comes to mind is, I know we talk about this in ministry, but when we get into this industry field and wanting to monetize our ministry, um, um, is it be, can I have a mentor? Is, is it okay to have someone to look up to that's already doing this? You know, what's your, your approach? I mean, should I just be out here on my, on my own? Like what I mean you connecting with somebody, but what, what do I need to look out for somebody like that?
**Speaker 0** (00:23:52) - Man, you've got to find a mentor. You've got to find a mentor. And, you know, you find mentors in different ways, right? So there'll be some people who, they're your mentor, you've never met them, right? They're your, might be a digital mentor. You're listening to all the stuff that they put out. You're listening, you're reading everything that they put out. You're on their email list, you're like, just, okay, I'm a sponge cuz this person right here.
**Speaker 7** (00:24:12) - Yep. I
**Speaker 0** (00:24:13) - Can see their journey, like needs one to follow a similar path. But then there's also gonna be a level where you need to find a mentor who you can ask a question, right?
**Speaker 7** (00:24:23) - Say
**Speaker 0** (00:24:23) - Like, how do I do this? How do I troubleshoot this? And I, and I encourage you, like, yeah, don't, don't think that you can do this thing on your own. Um, build what you have, take what you do, do everything on your own. There's a stage where you could start just by observing, but after a while, you're gonna need somebody. You can be a guide on your side.
**Speaker 7** (00:24:41) - Yeah. So the next thing after that though is, and, and this is the, the, the elephant in the room, right? The other, or the other elephant in the room is, is that we're quit. Right? You know, I've had the grand idea. I, I, I get stonewall a bit and then I start really doubting that this whole thing is even mm-hmm. is even worth it. I, I know that you're gonna have people on this podcast who are gonna come on and talk, and I know we're gonna have different guests, but those who are listening, we got some people who've, who've probably quit on some of these dreams, right? Mm-hmm. mm-hmm . And um, what's, what is your word for those who are like, man, I got hit with a roadblock and I just, you know, I I'm not feeling it with like I get used to, but, but they got a great idea. They got the mentors, but they, they just have that they haven't really been able to get it, get it off the ground. Talk a little bit about how we can kind of gather that rut of wanted to quit.
**Speaker 0** (00:25:29) - Yeah. I mean, so for some people, I think, um, like I've had two podcasts that I've restarted and all that kind of stuff, and I used to beat myself up, right? I used to beat myself up, man, I wasted time. I should have, I could have whatever the, the one thing I'll tell somebody right here is don't look at what you lost in that process right now, just for a moment. Mm-hmm. Look at what you gained in the process, right? Mm-hmm. There, there's a, there maybe there's a time to say, okay, I could have, if I kept going, I'd had 200 plus episodes. Dude, lemme I'm gonna say this on this podcast. A friend of mine tells me this, I had David chance on my podcast before David Chance had a podcast. I dunno if you know David Chances. That's, um, um, oh man, I forgot the name of his podcast now. But this dude is like the podcast king, though. I had that
**Speaker 7** (00:26:17) - Dude. Right, right, right, right, right. World now. Yeah. Yeah.
**Speaker 0** (00:26:20) - Sometimes I say, well, I, if I kept going, I would've been here. Fine. Cool. All right. But if I realize now into what I did the social proof podcast, thank you. Yeah. In what I did, what did I learn in that process? What did I gain through that, that now I can build on that. So I'm not starting over. Right. I'm not starting over from zero. I'm starting, that's it. Knowledge that I had.
**Speaker 7** (00:26:41) - Yeah, that's it. Oh, that's good. You,
**Speaker 0** (00:26:43) - You beat yourself up. You'll, you'll, you'll, you'll stay where you
**Speaker 7** (00:26:46) - Are. It's knowledge.
**Speaker 0** (00:26:47) - Okay, hold on. I did, I did 10 episodes, right? I wrote four chapters, right? I coached for six months, whatever it is. What did I learn in that process that I can use now to get going again? And what lessons can I learn that I learned that when I relaunch, restart that I can do it even better. That's, that's what I'd say.
**Speaker 7** (00:27:08) - Yo, I love that. Listen, uh, for those who are in the comment session, uh, we, we see, we see folk, uh, uh, uh, uh, gustan says no wasted experiences, man, that that's the truth. And so, you know, with that, um, man, what's, what's your, what's, if I'm listening to the podcast, it's my first episode, whether I'm watching live or I jumped on a week from now, a month from now, and this is my first episode I'm listening to, what's the takeaway from today? Like, what is it that Kymone Hines and, and, and this new podcast monetize ministry? You know, what, what am I what am I getting from this today?
**Speaker 0** (00:27:39) - Uh, today I just want to just encourage you, I just wanna encourage somebody that what you use to serve others best, someone's looking for it. And you have a responsibility that you have a responsibility to do as much as you can with that, as much as you can. Includes being paid for it so that you can reach more people so that you can give more of your time. So you can give more of your service to that if somebody right now needs that thing that you're sitting on. So I just wanna encourage you, push past that, that doubt. Push past that fear cuz somebody needs what you have.
**Speaker 7** (00:28:12) - Yo, shout out to the people in the chat right now, people who are listening, who are, who are creators, who have ministries that they're ready to monetize. The only way you listen, I'm telling you the first, it's free game right here. And it's free to go on Facebook and subscribe. It's free to go on Instagram and follow, uh, for more information to be a part. Uh, listen, this is, this is, listen, this is the first of many. Yes sir. We're gonna have a ton of success stories. Uh, so man Kymone, thanks so much for having me on the podcast, man. I'm, I'm listen, thank you. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm in this game and I'm, I'm still taking a few notes, man, to, to go to the next level. So, man, thank you man. Appreciate
**Speaker 0** (00:28:46) - You. Thank you. And, uh, we'll be back next week. Same, same place, same time. Probably a different coho, but we'll be back. So appreciate y'all.
**Speaker 7** (00:28:53) - Ok. I'll be in the comments section. I'll be in the comments section.
**Speaker 0** (00:28:55) - I'm ready. Awesome. Thank you man. And y'all, let's, let's go bring our ideas to life.
**Speaker 1** (00:28:59) - Thank you for listening to the Monetize Your Ministry podcast with Kymone Hinds. For more information, visit our website, x www.monetizeyourministrypodcast.com. That's www.monetizeyourministrypodcast.com. Find us on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcast. Please share us episode with someone who needs it. Let's increase our income and impact.